VENZA Completes Vision ’24; Announces Updates Roadmap Updates for Q4 2023
VENZA Completes Vision ’24; Announces Updates Roadmap Updates for Q4 2023
VENZA, the leading provider of data protection and regulatory compliance solutions for the hospitality industry, today announced the completion of its Vision ’24 strategic planning agenda and released significant updates to its Product Roadmap for Q4 2023. By completing Vision ’24, the company has again delivered on its promise to generate new, captivating, and innovative tools for better visibility and better defense.
“The VENZA Visions are our overarching strategic plans for each year,” said Barbara Espinosa. “We’re extremely proud of the completion of Vision ’24 and our updates from the last quarter which continue our investment in producing industry-leading tools that are geared specifically for the hospitality industry. This year was marked by product improvements in nearly every area of the VENZA program—and we’re just getting started. We have many exciting products in development that we can’t wait to share with our clients soon.”
During 2023, VENZA unveiled major enhancements and upgrades across its product lineup. Notable developments included the release of the VENZA System risk and reporting dashboard, Pen Testing as a Service (PTaaS), the VENZA Echo weekly article series, and supplemental security awareness training resources like Rocky’s Corner email tips.
“In addition to new products, we focused on increasing the accessibility and useability of VENZA’s existing lineup,” added Espinosa. “We did so by broadening our multilingual training options throughout our course curriculum, creating additional resources to help our clients navigate the often-complex challenges of data protection and PCI DSS compliance, and offering new, easy to use tools like our Cyber Insurance Calculator.”
Highlights of Q4 include:
Social Engineering Training
VENZA added to its elective courses—supplemental training that can be custom-selected by clients as additions to their standard learning paths—with all-new Social Engineering Live courses.
Using scenario-based learning to build a security-conscious culture, Social Engineering Live follows hotel employees as they navigate common scams targeting hoteliers, including CEO impersonation, and attempting to defraud guests by posing as room service attendants.
Participants receive "what would you do?"-type assessments and get quick tips for strengthening the human firewall—all with a runtime of less than 15 minutes.
Town Halls
VENZA continued its collaborative Town Hall Initiative, bringing together key stakeholders from the company’s community to improve its programs and products by soliciting and incorporating client input.
The 2023 meetings generated qualitative and quantitative feedback which included client recommendations for optimizing processes related to accounting, marketing, reporting, and training.
Overall, the results were highly positive, with clients noting the responsiveness and professionalism of VENZA’s Customer Success Coaches, the knowledge of VENZA’s Security Analysts, and VENZA’s hospitality expertise as company strengths.
VENZA completed its Hospitality Webinar Series with its final quarterly webinar on PCI DSS v4.0 in December.
Leveraging VENZA’s in-house thought leadership, the Hospitality Webinar Series brought the company’s clients key cybersecurity and industry news, presentations from subject matter experts, and updates on company products and events.
And More
These are just a few of the dozens of updates, enhancements, and new products planned for Vision ’25. For full coverage, check out the full Product Roadmap on the VENZA website.

VENZA is a leading provider of data protection and compliance solutions for the hospitality industry. With 360-degree visibility, VENZA helps establish proactive risk management that mitigates vulnerabilities, keeping your guests and their data safe. Hospitality’s unique nature demands tailored solutions for critical issues. Drawing on decades of industry experience, VENZA offers a comprehensive suite of security awareness, data protection, and compliance tools designed from the ground-up to fit your needs.
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