Rich Siegel

Siegel Sez 09/13/2024

Siegel Sez 09/13/2024

Definitely Doug (09/13/2024): AI and the Last Frontier?










Honestly, when I received Doug Rice’s Definitely Doug column this week and realized it was going to be all about procurement, I winced. Now this is going to be something totally foreign to me. But as only Doug can do, you read his blog and suddenly you have a better understanding of the technology available to the industry, and you are amazed at how much money hotels could be saving. A great and brief read, take a few minutes and be amazed at what is coming, and how AI is going to impact the industry and most importantly save money. We thank Doug once again for enlightening us!

Life is all about moments and last week I had a moment I will never forget. There are some clouds in my future regarding Hospitality Upgrade and last week we had our 22nd CIO Summit in Nashville, Tenn. at the wonderful and amazing Thompson Hotel by Hyatt. We had nearly 100 attendees including technology leaders from all over the world. Yes, there was much fun included, but Geneva spearheaded an amazing program that went on all day Thursday. 

At the conclusion of the last session, I simply wanted to thank everybody for being there and embracing this idea I had 23 years ago, that has grown into a must-attend event for those who lead their companies’ technology initiatives. Instead of a simple acknowledgement from those in attendance, it started as a rousing and loud applause, then everybody stood up and kept applauding, and for a while wouldn’t stop. I eventually told the crowd that I was embarrassed - but in truth I was so moved by their reaction. I hope everybody has a chance to experience one of life’s “moments” no matter how it plays out. I will always remember mine! 

In our upcoming issue of Hospitality Upgrade you will learn much more about what happened in Nashville. A big thank you to Cameron Hammond, Julian Bish and Rohan Jani from Hyatt Hotels for doing an amazing job as hosts of this year’s event, when the bar was set so high last year by Matt Schwartz and Jeff Parker from Sage Hospitality. Any questions about the CIO Summit please send a note to To all our attendees and sponsors, a big thank you from all of us!

Here now is Definitely Doug and I promise that you will look at procurement differently. Also included is the latest technology news. I will see you at the end with this week’s attempt at you know what. Thanks for reading and sharing.

AI and the Last Frontier?

If I were to pick one hotel business process as the least automated in the 21st century to date, it would probably be procurement. 

While procurement solutions have been around for decades, they have tended to focus on internal processes and controls. The actual selection and ordering of goods and services for the hotels are often still handled by telephone, via traveling sales reps, or by email. Where orders have been digitized, the buyer usually uses the website of a large supplier or General Purchasing Organization (GPO) to place orders. In most cases it is still an unintegrated process, requiring manual entry of orders without easy access to data on budgets, inventory, accounts payable, or payments. Most of these interactions are still paper-based (even if that paper may now be in the form of a digital image) and involve significant manual effort.

Compare this to our personal buying behavior, where we have all become accustomed to, even dependent upon, sites like Amazon that manage the process of locating what we need; comparing prices, features, and packaging; processing payment; and arranging delivery. Not surprisingly, many hotel companies are challenged to keep their colleagues from using Amazon for many hotel supplies, because it is simple, easy to use, and (usually) price competitive.

Yet procurement is one of the most important sources of bottom-line profit. Unlike revenue (which almost always comes with associated costs), each dollar of savings in purchasing falls 100% to the bottom line. With costs of food, supplies, and other essentials rising faster than room rates in recent years, cost control has become even more critical. And labor shortages have led many hotels to use fewer suppliers because of the time involved with manually consulting multiple websites to compare prices, or of managing orders and payments with too many suppliers. But fewer suppliers mean less price comparison and optimization, and higher costs.

Today’s column will explore some new capabilities to optimize procurement, many of them enabled by Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies that have only matured sufficiently in the past couple of years. I cannot say that the new products are fully mature, but some of them are truly impressive and worth a look. Many hotels who were previously using typical industry approaches have found cost savings on the order of 10%, and some outliers who previously had no procurement technology or GPO have reportedly reduced costs by as much as 25%.

Each of the leading-edge capabilities I will cover below has been implemented by at least one company I spoke with (with the sole exception of ESG reporting, which several are evaluating). Most were implemented by, or on the near- or intermediate-term roadmap for, several companies. I expect rapid evolution of these capabilities among both newer and established players over the next one to two years. This article will give you some ideas of what you can look for as you evaluate solutions.

With a topic like this, I must first narrow the scope, lest what is intended as a blog risks ballooning into a book. I will focus on systems that address selecting, ordering, and receiving goods and services, and passing off order information to be recorded in an accounting system for payment and reporting. I will exclude bid processes (e.g. request for quotation and similar) and reverse auctions. Also, procurement interacts tightly with other hotel processes, such as menu management and costing, inventory, point-of-sale, budgeting, accounting, and supplier payments. Some procurement software packages include modules for one or several of these, while others integrate with selected third-party solutions. However, this article will touch on these capabilities only tangentially.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for procurement software; much depends on the size and complexity of the hotel or group and what other systems it is using. Smaller operations may opt for simpler, easier to use solutions that provide basic capabilities for inventory management and payment. My objective here is not to tell you what the best solution is, but rather to make you aware of emerging capabilities which, if you have not reviewed this space in the past couple of years, you may not even have imagined.

As always, I am indebted to senior executives at several companies for helping me understand the emerging best practices through in-depth interviews. These included BirchStreet Systems, DiningEdge Technology, Folio, FutureLog, Lilo, and Reeco, and I thank them profusely for their time and wisdom. I also reached out to three other companies that did not respond to requests for interviews.

Common Capabilities for Procurement Systems

For readers who may be unfamiliar with procurement systems, I will outline some of the common capabilities that have (in general) been present for many years and that are widely deployed in most commercial products. For hotels, many of these will be baseline requirements, but not state of the art.

  • Hotels buy many different goods and services, often from dozens of suppliers. While many use GPOs for the bulk of their purchasing, there are always other suppliers, whether for local or specialty items, furniture and other long-lived assets, regulated items such as liquor, or services or utilities that GPOs may not cover. A true understanding of spending (and saving potential) requires coverage of as many purchased items as possible.
  • While many types of businesses use procurement systems (often embedded within an Enterprise Resource Planning platform), hospitality businesses have specialized needs that generic solutions are often challenged to address. Most hotel companies are small or medium sized businesses that need simplicity, but also have procurement complexities (such as changing menus and food spoilage) that retail, service, and many other businesses do not. The hospitality-focused solutions addressed in this article try to find the sweet spot that provides both necessary functionality and ease of use.
  • Support for desktop, web, and mobile devices.
  • The ability to normalize quantities to standard units to facilitate price comparisons. This sounds simple but often is not, because suppliers may offer both different package (item) sizes and differing numbers of packages (items) per case, pallet, etc.
  • Budget (“checkbook”) tracking, enabling each manager to see how much of their budget they have spent to date, and how much remains. Where authorized, this feature may also allow a manager to shift unspent funds from one account to another.
  • Managerial override approvals for out-of-band purchasing requests, such as exceeding budget, buying from non-preferred suppliers, or buying prohibited items.
  • Multicurrency support, including the ability to compare items priced in different currencies.
  • Roll-up reporting and analytics for each outlet, property, group of properties, or the entire enterprise. For multinational hotel groups, intelligent handling of “outlier” currencies (e.g. those experiencing hyperinflation) to avoid contaminating roll-up results.
  • Support for inventory integration and manual inventory counts. Most enable “order guides” that can be customized to each hotel and used to manually scan items in storage rooms, shelf by shelf, and record those requiring replenishment on a mobile device (including while offline, since connectivity may be limited). Hotels can organize order guides in whatever way they find most useful, such as one for each storeroom, with items ordered as they appear on shelves.

Emerging Best Practices 

Several new-entrant software companies are leveraging modern technologies, especially various forms of AI, to overcome key challenges faced by procurement software and processes. Some legacy players have also added one or two of these capabilities or have them under development or on their product roadmaps. 

Supplier Onboarding and Setup: AI-powered systems can now scan months of past invoices to identify the items a hotel purchases and its suppliers, and then use the information to create order guides. They can then use AI (and the hotel’s logon for each supplier site) to find each item in each supplier’s online catalog, and to map the sites so that they can quickly retrieve descriptions, photos, prices, and packaging information in real time when needed. In some cases, they can also learn how to place an order without human interaction. Some of these products reduce setup time for a hotel from weeks or months to just an hour or two (and have thousands of suppliers already set up). Minimal setup costs enable some vendors to offer low-risk trials without big upfront fees.

Real-time Pricing: These systems can fetch real-time product availability, packaging, and pricing from multiple suppliers with no manual effort. Whereas historically this required a buyer to sign into multiple supplier websites, navigate to the item, copy costs and packaging units to a spreadsheet, and calculate the best deal, that can now happen entirely behind the scenes; the buyer simply sees the results. Real-time pricing also eliminates the inevitable price discrepancies that occur when using prices that are updated only periodically. Contracted pricing arrangements are fully reflected.

Price Comparisons: These systems can display on a dashboard the current prices for an item are from every configured supplier who carries it. Approved and preferred suppliers can be identified, and price comparisons can show the final delivered price including shipping (actual if known, estimated if not). Comparisons are converted into standardized units. Minimum orders, delivery timetable, order cutoff times, and out-of-stock indicators may also be included for quick reference.

Product First, Supplier Second: These systems start from the assumption that you need to buy a particular product, not that you want to place an order with a particular supplier. You choose the product and see who has it at what price, and then choose the supplier. You can choose a preferred supplier even if their price is higher if you like, but now that will be a conscious choice, made with full knowledge of the impact on cost. AI may be used to remember what overrides the user makes and suggest the same overrides in future purchases.

Plain Language Search: While frequently purchased items will have been identified during setup based on past invoices, most systems can also handle plain-language search terms (similar to Amazon) for first-time purchases. They can quickly surface matching items from any configured supplier catalog.

Order Quantity Optimization: The best systems can suggest the optimal order quantity based on the historical relationship between orders and other metrics (such as hotel occupancy) and forecast estimates for those metrics. They can also consider (or highlight) savings available through quantity discounts or incentive thresholds that may be within reach.

Consolidated Ordering: Many systems can consolidate orders across multiple suppliers so that the hotel has the illusion of ordering from a single source, while the system is splitting out the orders behind the scenes. Intelligent consolidation can include various elements of optimization such as meeting minimum order requirements or accelerating delivery times. At least one vendor will also (optionally) consolidate payment, so that the hotel has only a single invoice to pay. Most solutions provide at least some visibility of incentives and progress towards rebate thresholds; these can be used to optimize the consolidation or to suggest possible overrides (e.g., choose a different supplier or increase the quantity if you are modestly short of the rebate threshold as month-end approaches).

Real-Time Order Placement: Orders are placed behind the scenes and in real time with suppliers that support order placement via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) or Application Programming Interface (API). In other cases, orders may be placed by interacting robotically with suppliers’ extranets. For less automated suppliers, orders can be sent by email (often with a link that enables the supplier to view the order in the hotel’s system). 

Electronic Document Ingestion: Invoices and bills of lading can be extracted from emails or scanned, and their contents analyzed and loaded into the procurement system as well as transferred to the accounting system for payment and reporting.

Two- or Three-Way Match: Systems can match invoices and receiving documents to orders (called a three-way match if all three are checked); receiving operations can also record discrepancies such as partial shipments, damaged goods, or substitutions (typically using a handheld device). Smaller hotels often handle receiving less formally, in which case a two-way match (order to invoice) may suffice. In all cases, price discrepancies, substitutions, and quantity changes will typically be flagged. 

Automated GL Coding: General Ledger (GL) account codes must be assigned to each purchase prior to entry into the accounting system. While historically this was often a tedious, manual process, the newer systems quickly learn what GL accounts are used for various purchased items and automatically suggest them for each new purchase. At least one system recognized that the same item might need a different GL code if it is purchased by housekeeping than by the food and beverage department. In any case, the hotel can always override the choice, but this should rarely be necessary.

Receiving: Some systems provide a mobile receiving app for use on the loading dock. It will show suppliers with deliveries expected that day, check for changes made after the order was placed, and allow the receiving clerk to report missing or incorrect or damaged products, or quantity discrepancies. One product supported weight and temperature measuring devices that can further help in identifying issues, especially with food shipments.

Off-Platform Buying: Some of the systems can record purchases made outside the platform (for example, if engineering buys a tool at a local home goods store). This can be important as a metric for management companies that want to enforce procurement policies at their hotels, and also to identify suppliers that should be added to the system. How this information is obtained matters: if it relies on manual entry by hotel staff, it may never get entered and you will never know how much off-platform buying is happening. It is better if it comes from the accounting system, where even off-platform purchases will be recorded somewhere.

ESG Reporting: A few companies have on their roadmap the addition of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) metrics. These are increasingly required or desired for regulatory reporting or third-party certifications for hotels. They include metrics such as carbon footprint of the item, its packaging, and transportation; purchasing from minority-owned businesses; and the like. Many suppliers are already collecting some of this information and looking for ways to highlight it to buyers. Some procurement software companies are interested in helping to fill that gap and to assist hotels in improving their ESG reporting capabilities and footprint. This will be a space to watch in the next 12 to 24 months. 


For all the hype AI has gotten in the hotel industry, some of the most solid innovations it has enabled have been in back-of-house systems, where complex manual processes can often be re-engineered from the ground up. Procurement has been ripe for disruption and is now the target of several new and innovative products.

Is procurement an application where AI is ready for prime time? Based on the market traction some of these companies have gotten in recent months, it seems like the answer is yes, at least for smaller, simpler operations, and quite possibly for many larger ones. There are significant potential savings both from procurement costs and labor savings, that simply are not practical to pursue without AI.

As always, feedback to my articles is welcome. Since the host site does not support discussions, I will post a link to this article on my own LinkedIn page once it has been published, and I invite you to comment, like, or share from there!

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Honestly, when I received Doug Rice’s Definitely Doug column this week and realized it was going to be all about procurement, I winced. Now this is going to be something totally foreign to me. But as only Doug can do, you read his blog and suddenly you have a better understanding of the technology available to the industry, and you are amazed at how much money hotels could be saving. A great and brief read, take a few minutes and be amazed at what is coming, and how AI is going to impact the industry and most importantly save money. We thank Doug once again for enlightening us!

Life is all about moments and last week I had a moment I will never forget. There are some clouds in my future regarding Hospitality Upgrade and last week we had our 22nd CIO Summit in Nashville, Tenn. at the wonderful and amazing Thompson Hotel by Hyatt. We had nearly 100 attendees including technology leaders from all over the world. Yes, there was much fun included, but Geneva spearheaded an amazing program that went on all day Thursday. 

At the conclusion of the last session, I simply wanted to thank everybody for being there and embracing this idea I had 23 years ago, that has grown into a must-attend event for those who lead their companies’ technology initiatives. Instead of a simple acknowledgement from those in attendance, it started as a rousing and loud applause, then everybody stood up and kept applauding, and for a while wouldn’t stop. I eventually told the crowd that I was embarrassed - but in truth I was so moved by their reaction. I hope everybody has a chance to experience one of life’s “moments” no matter how it plays out. I will always remember mine! 

In our upcoming issue of Hospitality Upgrade you will learn much more about what happened in Nashville. A big thank you to Cameron Hammond, Julian Bish and Rohan Jani from Hyatt Hotels for doing an amazing job as hosts of this year’s event, when the bar was set so high last year by Matt Schwartz and Jeff Parker from Sage Hospitality. Any questions about the CIO Summit please send a note to To all our attendees and sponsors, a big thank you from all of us!

Here now is Definitely Doug and I promise that you will look at procurement differently. Also included is the latest technology news. I will see you at the end with this week’s attempt at you know what. Thanks for reading and sharing.

Definitely Doug (09/13/2024): AI and the Last Frontier?

AI and the Last Frontier?
If I were to pick one hotel business process as the least automated in the 21st century to date, it would probably be procurement. While procurement solutions have been around for decades, they have tended to focus on internal processes and controls. The actual selection and ordering of goods and services for the hotels are often still handled by telephone, via traveling sales reps, or by email. Where orders have been digitized, the buyer usually uses the website of a large supplier or General Purchasing Organization (GPO) to place orders. In most cases it is still an unintegrated process, requiring manual entry of orders without easy access to data on budgets, inventory, accounts payable, or payments. Most of these interactions are still paper-based (even if that paper may now be in the form of a digital image) and involve significant manual effort.

Compare this to our personal buying behavior, where we have all become accustomed to, even dependent upon, sites like Amazon that manage the process of locating what we need; comparing prices, features, and packaging; processing payment; and arranging delivery. Not surprisingly, many hotel companies are challenged to keep their colleagues from using Amazon for many hotel supplies, because it is simple, easy to use, and (usually) price competitive.

Yet procurement is one of the most important sources of bottom-line profit. Unlike revenue (which almost always comes with associated costs), each dollar of savings in purchasing falls 100% to the bottom line. With costs of food, supplies, and other essentials rising faster than room rates in recent years, cost control has become even more critical. And labor shortages have led many hotels to use fewer suppliers because of the time involved with manually consulting multiple websites to compare prices, or of managing orders and payments with too many suppliers. But fewer suppliers mean less price comparison and optimization, and higher costs.

Today’s column will explore some new capabilities to optimize procurement, many of them enabled by Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies that have only matured sufficiently in the past couple of years. I cannot say that the new products are fully mature, but some of them are truly impressive and worth a look. Many hotels who were previously using typical industry approaches have found cost savings on the order of 10%, and some outliers who previously had no procurement technology or GPO have reportedly reduced costs by as much as 25%.Each of the leading-edge capabilities I will cover below has been implemented by at least one company I spoke with (with the sole exception of ESG reporting, which several are evaluating). Most were implemented by, or on the near- or intermediate-term roadmap for, several companies. I expect rapid evolution of these capabilities among both newer and established players over the next one to two years. This article will give you some ideas of what you can look for as you evaluate solutions.

With a topic like this, I must first narrow the scope, lest what is intended as a blog risks ballooning into a book. I will focus on systems that address selecting, ordering, and receiving goods and services, and passing off order information to be recorded in an accounting system for payment and reporting. I will exclude bid processes (e.g. request for quotation and similar) and reverse auctions. Also, procurement interacts tightly with other hotel processes, such as menu management and costing, inventory, point-of-sale, budgeting, accounting, and supplier payments. Some procurement software packages include modules for one or several of these, while others integrate with selected third-party solutions. However, this article will touch on these capabilities only tangentially.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for procurement software; much depends on the size and complexity of the hotel or group and what other systems it is using. Smaller operations may opt for simpler, easier to use solutions that provide basic capabilities for inventory management and payment. My objective here is not to tell you what the best solution is, but rather to make you aware of emerging capabilities which, if you have not reviewed this space in the past couple of years, you may not even have imagined.

As always, I am indebted to senior executives at several companies for helping me understand the emerging best practices through in-depth interviews. These included BirchStreet Systems, DiningEdge Technology, Folio, FutureLog, Lilo, and Reeco, and I thank them profusely for their time and wisdom. I also reached out to three other companies that did not respond to requests for interviews.

AI and the Last Frontier?

If I were to pick one hotel business process as the least automated in the 21st century to date, it would probably be procurement. 

While procurement solutions have been around for decades, they have tended to focus on internal processes and controls. The actual selection and ordering of goods and services for the hotels are often still handled by telephone, via traveling sales reps, or by email. Where orders have been digitized, the buyer usually uses the website of a large supplier or General Purchasing Organization (GPO) to place orders. In most cases it is still an unintegrated process, requiring manual entry of orders without easy access to data on budgets, inventory, accounts payable, or payments. Most of these interactions are still paper-based (even if that paper may now be in the form of a digital image) and involve significant manual effort.

Compare this to our personal buying behavior, where we have all become accustomed to, even dependent upon, sites like Amazon that manage the process of locating what we need; comparing prices, features, and packaging; processing payment; and arranging delivery. Not surprisingly, many hotel companies are challenged to keep their colleagues from using Amazon for many hotel supplies, because it is simple, easy to use, and (usually) price competitive.

Yet procurement is one of the most important sources of bottom-line profit. Unlike revenue (which almost always comes with associated costs), each dollar of savings in purchasing falls 100% to the bottom line. With costs of food, supplies, and other essentials rising faster than room rates in recent years, cost control has become even more critical. And labor shortages have led many hotels to use fewer suppliers because of the time involved with manually consulting multiple websites to compare prices, or of managing orders and payments with too many suppliers. But fewer suppliers mean less price comparison and optimization, and higher costs.

Today’s column will explore some new capabilities to optimize procurement, many of them enabled by Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies that have only matured sufficiently in the past couple of years. I cannot say that the new products are fully mature, but some of them are truly impressive and worth a look. Many hotels who were previously using typical industry approaches have found cost savings on the order of 10%, and some outliers who previously had no procurement technology or GPO have reportedly reduced costs by as much as 25%.

Each of the leading-edge capabilities I will cover below has been implemented by at least one company I spoke with (with the sole exception of ESG reporting, which several are evaluating). Most were implemented by, or on the near- or intermediate-term roadmap for, several companies. I expect rapid evolution of these capabilities among both newer and established players over the next one to two years. This article will give you some ideas of what you can look for as you evaluate solutions.

With a topic like this, I must first narrow the scope, lest what is intended as a blog risks ballooning into a book. I will focus on systems that address selecting, ordering, and receiving goods and services, and passing off order information to be recorded in an accounting system for payment and reporting. I will exclude bid processes (e.g. request for quotation and similar) and reverse auctions. Also, procurement interacts tightly with other hotel processes, such as menu management and costing, inventory, point-of-sale, budgeting, accounting, and supplier payments. Some procurement software packages include modules for one or several of these, while others integrate with selected third-party solutions. However, this article will touch on these capabilities only tangentially.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for procurement software; much depends on the size and complexity of the hotel or group and what other systems it is using. Smaller operations may opt for simpler, easier to use solutions that provide basic capabilities for inventory management and payment. My objective here is not to tell you what the best solution is, but rather to make you aware of emerging capabilities which, if you have not reviewed this space in the past couple of years, you may not even have imagined.

As always, I am indebted to senior executives at several companies for helping me understand the emerging best practices through in-depth interviews. These included BirchStreet Systems, DiningEdge Technology, Folio, FutureLog, Lilo, and Reeco, and I thank them profusely for their time and wisdom. I also reached out to three other companies that did not respond to requests for interviews.

Common Capabilities for Procurement Systems

For readers who may be unfamiliar with procurement systems, I will outline some of the common capabilities that have (in general) been present for many years and that are widely deployed in most commercial products. For hotels, many of these will be baseline requirements, but not state of the art.

  • Hotels buy many different goods and services, often from dozens of suppliers. While many use GPOs for the bulk of their purchasing, there are always other suppliers, whether for local or specialty items, furniture and other long-lived assets, regulated items such as liquor, or services or utilities that GPOs may not cover. A true understanding of spending (and saving potential) requires coverage of as many purchased items as possible.
  • While many types of businesses use procurement systems (often embedded within an Enterprise Resource Planning platform), hospitality businesses have specialized needs that generic solutions are often challenged to address. Most hotel companies are small or medium sized businesses that need simplicity, but also have procurement complexities (such as changing menus and food spoilage) that retail, service, and many other businesses do not. The hospitality-focused solutions addressed in this article try to find the sweet spot that provides both necessary functionality and ease of use.
  • Support for desktop, web, and mobile devices.
  • The ability to normalize quantities to standard units to facilitate price comparisons. This sounds simple but often is not, because suppliers may offer both different package (item) sizes and differing numbers of packages (items) per case, pallet, etc.
  • Budget (“checkbook”) tracking, enabling each manager to see how much of their budget they have spent to date, and how much remains. Where authorized, this feature may also allow a manager to shift unspent funds from one account to another.
  • Managerial override approvals for out-of-band purchasing requests, such as exceeding budget, buying from non-preferred suppliers, or buying prohibited items.
  • Multicurrency support, including the ability to compare items priced in different currencies.
  • Roll-up reporting and analytics for each outlet, property, group of properties, or the entire enterprise. For multinational hotel groups, intelligent handling of “outlier” currencies (e.g. those experiencing hyperinflation) to avoid contaminating roll-up results.
  • Support for inventory integration and manual inventory counts. Most enable “order guides” that can be customized to each hotel and used to manually scan items in storage rooms, shelf by shelf, and record those requiring replenishment on a mobile device (including while offline, since connectivity may be limited). Hotels can organize order guides in whatever way they find most useful, such as one for each storeroom, with items ordered as they appear on shelves.

Emerging Best Practices 

Several new-entrant software companies are leveraging modern technologies, especially various forms of AI, to overcome key challenges faced by procurement software and processes. Some legacy players have also added one or two of these capabilities or have them under development or on their product roadmaps. 

Supplier Onboarding and Setup: AI-powered systems can now scan months of past invoices to identify the items a hotel purchases and its suppliers, and then use the information to create order guides. They can then use AI (and the hotel’s logon for each supplier site) to find each item in each supplier’s online catalog, and to map the sites so that they can quickly retrieve descriptions, photos, prices, and packaging information in real time when needed. In some cases, they can also learn how to place an order without human interaction. Some of these products reduce setup time for a hotel from weeks or months to just an hour or two (and have thousands of suppliers already set up). Minimal setup costs enable some vendors to offer low-risk trials without big upfront fees.

Real-time Pricing: These systems can fetch real-time product availability, packaging, and pricing from multiple suppliers with no manual effort. Whereas historically this required a buyer to sign into multiple supplier websites, navigate to the item, copy costs and packaging units to a spreadsheet, and calculate the best deal, that can now happen entirely behind the scenes; the buyer simply sees the results. Real-time pricing also eliminates the inevitable price discrepancies that occur when using prices that are updated only periodically. Contracted pricing arrangements are fully reflected.

Price Comparisons: These systems can display on a dashboard the current prices for an item are from every configured supplier who carries it. Approved and preferred suppliers can be identified, and price comparisons can show the final delivered price including shipping (actual if known, estimated if not). Comparisons are converted into standardized units. Minimum orders, delivery timetable, order cutoff times, and out-of-stock indicators may also be included for quick reference.

Product First, Supplier Second: These systems start from the assumption that you need to buy a particular product, not that you want to place an order with a particular supplier. You choose the product and see who has it at what price, and then choose the supplier. You can choose a preferred supplier even if their price is higher if you like, but now that will be a conscious choice, made with full knowledge of the impact on cost. AI may be used to remember what overrides the user makes and suggest the same overrides in future purchases.

Plain Language Search: While frequently purchased items will have been identified during setup based on past invoices, most systems can also handle plain-language search terms (similar to Amazon) for first-time purchases. They can quickly surface matching items from any configured supplier catalog.

Order Quantity Optimization: The best systems can suggest the optimal order quantity based on the historical relationship between orders and other metrics (such as hotel occupancy) and forecast estimates for those metrics. They can also consider (or highlight) savings available through quantity discounts or incentive thresholds that may be within reach.

Consolidated Ordering: Many systems can consolidate orders across multiple suppliers so that the hotel has the illusion of ordering from a single source, while the system is splitting out the orders behind the scenes. Intelligent consolidation can include various elements of optimization such as meeting minimum order requirements or accelerating delivery times. At least one vendor will also (optionally) consolidate payment, so that the hotel has only a single invoice to pay. Most solutions provide at least some visibility of incentives and progress towards rebate thresholds; these can be used to optimize the consolidation or to suggest possible overrides (e.g., choose a different supplier or increase the quantity if you are modestly short of the rebate threshold as month-end approaches).

Real-Time Order Placement: Orders are placed behind the scenes and in real time with suppliers that support order placement via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) or Application Programming Interface (API). In other cases, orders may be placed by interacting robotically with suppliers’ extranets. For less automated suppliers, orders can be sent by email (often with a link that enables the supplier to view the order in the hotel’s system). 

Electronic Document Ingestion: Invoices and bills of lading can be extracted from emails or scanned, and their contents analyzed and loaded into the procurement system as well as transferred to the accounting system for payment and reporting.

Two- or Three-Way Match: Systems can match invoices and receiving documents to orders (called a three-way match if all three are checked); receiving operations can also record discrepancies such as partial shipments, damaged goods, or substitutions (typically using a handheld device). Smaller hotels often handle receiving less formally, in which case a two-way match (order to invoice) may suffice. In all cases, price discrepancies, substitutions, and quantity changes will typically be flagged. 

Automated GL Coding: General Ledger (GL) account codes must be assigned to each purchase prior to entry into the accounting system. While historically this was often a tedious, manual process, the newer systems quickly learn what GL accounts are used for various purchased items and automatically suggest them for each new purchase. At least one system recognized that the same item might need a different GL code if it is purchased by housekeeping than by the food and beverage department. In any case, the hotel can always override the choice, but this should rarely be necessary.

Receiving: Some systems provide a mobile receiving app for use on the loading dock. It will show suppliers with deliveries expected that day, check for changes made after the order was placed, and allow the receiving clerk to report missing or incorrect or damaged products, or quantity discrepancies. One product supported weight and temperature measuring devices that can further help in identifying issues, especially with food shipments.

Off-Platform Buying: Some of the systems can record purchases made outside the platform (for example, if engineering buys a tool at a local home goods store). This can be important as a metric for management companies that want to enforce procurement policies at their hotels, and also to identify suppliers that should be added to the system. How this information is obtained matters: if it relies on manual entry by hotel staff, it may never get entered and you will never know how much off-platform buying is happening. It is better if it comes from the accounting system, where even off-platform purchases will be recorded somewhere.

ESG Reporting: A few companies have on their roadmap the addition of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) metrics. These are increasingly required or desired for regulatory reporting or third-party certifications for hotels. They include metrics such as carbon footprint of the item, its packaging, and transportation; purchasing from minority-owned businesses; and the like. Many suppliers are already collecting some of this information and looking for ways to highlight it to buyers. Some procurement software companies are interested in helping to fill that gap and to assist hotels in improving their ESG reporting capabilities and footprint. This will be a space to watch in the next 12 to 24 months. 


For all the hype AI has gotten in the hotel industry, some of the most solid innovations it has enabled have been in back-of-house systems, where complex manual processes can often be re-engineered from the ground up. Procurement has been ripe for disruption and is now the target of several new and innovative products.

Is procurement an application where AI is ready for prime time? Based on the market traction some of these companies have gotten in recent months, it seems like the answer is yes, at least for smaller, simpler operations, and quite possibly for many larger ones. There are significant potential savings both from procurement costs and labor savings, that simply are not practical to pursue without AI.

As always, feedback to my articles is welcome. Since the host site does not support discussions, I will post a link to this article on my own LinkedIn page once it has been published, and I invite you to comment, like, or share from there!


VENZA Unveils New GDPR Training for Hoteliers

This comprehensive instructional experience explores the fundamentals of the highly influential General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), promoting hospitality compliance under the European Union (EU) law.


Historic Emily Morgan Hotel San Antonio to Implement Innovative In-Room Tablets by HCN

Located just three blocks from the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center, the historic hotel is preparing to install Navigator 2.0 in-room tablets from Hotel Communication Network (HCN) to give guests mobile access to services and amenities and provide local area and event information.

Hotel Internet Services to Showcase the Future of Guest Connectivity for Independent and Luxury Hoteliers at the 2024 Independent Hotel Show

Attendees visiting Hotel Internet Services’ booth #223 will gain a first-hand look at how their WiFi and in-room entertainment offerings can be seamlessly paired with robust technologies to provide more personalized guest service.

Kimpton De Witt Partners With IRIS To Provide Guests With a Self-Serve, Mobile F&B Ordering Experience

IRIS, a global market leader in digital F&B, guest directory and concierge solutions for hotels and restaurants, has partnered with Hotel Kimpton De Witt (part of the Lore Group and IHG) to bring a new era of digital guest experiences to life with the launch of IRIS’s mobile F&B ordering platform in their co-working space, Café Celia.

Best Western Plus Dubuque Unveils New Cutting-Edge High-Speed Guest WiFi Network by Hotel Internet Services

The full-service hotel property recently partnered with HIS to ensure that seamless internet access is available throughout all onsite areas of the property, including all 150 guestrooms and 8,500 square feet of meeting space.


IDeaS Boosts Revenue and Guest Experience for IDILIQ's Luxury Resorts

The implementation of IDeaS G3 RMS across its Spanish portfolio introduces a sophisticated solution that empowers a more connected, actionable strategy across its organization’s commercial team through a seamless integration with their properties’ Central Reservation System.

IDeaS and Virgin Voyages Announce Partnership to Bring Advanced Revenue Management Solution to Cruise Industry

The world’s leading provider of advanced revenue management software (RMS) and services, announced that it is expanding its industry-leading suite of revenue management solutions to the cruise industry through a partnership with Virgin Voyages. Under the partnership, IDeaS is working with Virgin Voyages to develop a first-of-its-kind, innovative RMS solution for the cruise industry.


WISCO Hotel Group Elevates Operational Efficiency and Maximizes Revenue With STS Cloud, ProposalPath, and Visrez Solutions Across 14 Properties

The prominent Wisconsin-based hospitality company has successfully transitioned to the STS Cloud platform, incorporating advanced e-signature capabilities, ProposalPath proposal tools, and Visrez 3D table diagramming to enhance event sales opportunities, giving them a competitive edge.

The Power of Organic Social Media for Hotels: Why It Still Matters

One of the most significant advantages of organic social media is its ability to foster genuine, authentic connections with your audience. While paid ads can target specific demographics, they’re usually ‘sales-related’ and often lack the personal touch that organic posts offer.


Why Smart Hospitality Companies Are Accelerating CapEx Digital Transformation / Johannes Vocke

Modern software helps address resource and talent shortages that contribute to poor CapEx performance in the first place. For instance, tools like FutureLog automate proposal submissions, approvals, and performance monitoring so users can focus on more value-generating tasks like building strong supplier relationships.

Trump Hotels Deploys ReactorNet – BirchStreet’s Integrated P2P Solution

BirchStreet Systems, a leading provider of procure-to-pay automation solutions developed specifically for the hospitality sector, today announced the rollout of the ReactorNet solution across Trump Hotels’ global portfolio of luxury hotels and resorts, as part of a recently signed three-year agreement.

Your Data, Your Control: Ensuring Your Data Is YOUR Data in Hotel Technology / Mike Pavicich

At, we proudly announce the launch of our “Your Data, Your Control” initiative, which is dedicated to reaffirming clients’ data ownership and control. With STS Cloud, clients are assured that their data remains exclusively theirs—secure, private, and under their control.

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Leverages Amadeus Technology to Position Itself as a Premier Resort Destination

Aiming to elevate mid-size destinations such as Puerto Vallarta, Amadeus for Destinations offers a turnkey suite of solutions, unique in hospitality, that empower destination marketing organizations (DMOs) to grow and influence their tourism sectors.

Digitalization Drives a Surge in Productivity in the Hospitality Sector

Mews, an industry-leading hospitality cloud, has revealed that staff using its technology saved a collective of almost 5,000 hours (the equivalent of 7 months) in administrative time this summer.


Navigating the Complex World of Conversational AI - Part 4 / John Smallwood

Over the past couple of months, we’ve explored the evolving role of conversational AI in hospitality, particularly focusing on Annette, The Virtual Hotel Agent™ by Travel Outlook. This series has highlighted Annette’s advanced capabilities, which include handling complex guest requests, personalizing interactions, and providing multilingual support.

Cloudbeds To Usher in the Era of ‘Decision Intelligence’ at Upcoming Passport Conference

Cloudbeds Intelligence, a new AI and machine learning layer built into the platform, is designed to supercharge all functionalities of the hospitality management system and break down departmental silos, delivering unmatched decision-making intelligence for revenue managers, marketers, GMs, operations staff, and more.

Maestro All-In-One PMS and Data Plus Collaborate To Provide Seamless End-to-End Integrations for the Famed Francisco Grande Hotel & Golf Resort

The seamless end-to-end integration is giving the property valuable insights into their financial performance, including occupancy rates, revenue streams, and more, and management is making better informed and more timely decisions to optimize operations and maximize profitability.

Lark Hotels Partners With Mews to Grow Its Portfolio of 50+ Properties

Mews is cloud-native, which means it can easily scale with the brand, creating consistent management and reporting across hotels. Meanwhile, Mews University enables faster onboardings thanks to self-serve training modules tailored to specific job roles.


Webinar: Hospitality Business Intelligence Insights That Drive Profits

On September 17, listen to experts from Pinehurst Resort, Otelier, Agilysys, and Hospitality Technology Consulting uncover actionable insights that empower leaders to shift from revenue management to profit management. Register now.

Hospitality Upgrade Announces the Recipient of the John Cahill Student Seat for the 2024 CIO Summit

Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP®) and Hospitality Upgrade today announced the recipient of the 2024 John Cahill student seat is Andrew Pham, a student at the College of Hospitality, University of Nevada in Las Vegas (UNLV).

HFTP Announces 2024 CHAE of the Year Award Recipient: Samantha Sheffield

The CHAE of the Year award honors the individual that scored the highest on the CHAE certification exam within a given year. She will be recognized at the HFTP 2024 Annual Convention, taking place this October 23-25 at the Mohegan Sun Resort and Casino in Uncasville, Connecticut.

HSMAI Charters Two New Chapters: Greater Denver and Tennessee Valley

These new chapters highlight HSMAI’s strategic priority to broaden the association’s reach, focus on developing new markets, and enhance member value proposition through localized engagement.

HSMAI and Curacity Release White Paper on Commercial Strategy for Upper Funnel Marketing

The white paper, titled, “From Last-Click to First Look: A Commercial Strategy Makeover Story for Upper Funnel Marketing,” marks a pivotal shift in the industry’s approach to brand awareness, offering a roadmap for long-term growth and profitability.

BDNY 2024 Set to Redefine Hospitality Design With Unmatched Innovation and Networking Opportunities

Boutique Design New York, the leading trade fair and conference for the hospitality’s boutique and lifestyle design community, returns to the Jacob K. Javits Center on November 10-11, 2024. This year’s two-day event promises to set new standards in the industry with cutting-edge products, groundbreaking design discussions, and an array of networking events that bring together the world’s most influential design minds.

HSMAI Announces 2024 Sales Leader Forum

Organized by HSMAI’s Sales Advisory Board, this year’s event focuses on advancing the hotel sales discipline by providing off-property sales leaders with essential knowledge on top trends, strategic insights, and best practices in today’s evolving landscape.

BLLA Announces Winners of the 2024 Boutique Hospitality Awards

Now in its fourteenth year, the BLLA Awards continue to honor the most daring and innovative achievements in the global boutique hospitality industry, recognizing the world’s finest hotels, visionaries, and partners.

The Hospitality Show Announces Additional Program Highlights

The Hospitality Show (The Show), an industry leading technology and operations event produced by Questex and the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA), has revealed new highlights that have been confirmed for the 2024 program.

Sheila Johnson to Receive Peggy Berg Castell Award at The Lodging Conference 2024

AHLA Foundation announced that trailblazing entrepreneur and hotelier Sheila Johnson will receive the Peggy Berg Castell Award at The Lodging Conference 2024 in Phoenix, Arizona in October. The award recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to elevating and advancing women in the hospitality industry.


U.S. Open Serves Up Growth for New York Events Industry Increasing Year-Over-Year Volume by 30.2 percent in August, Knowland Reports

Knowland, the world’s leading provider of data-as-a-service insights on meetings and events for hospitality, reported that New York ranked second among the top 25 markets, with over 30 percent year-over-year (YoY) meeting volume growth driven primarily by sports tourism for August.

Honestly, when I received Doug Rice’s Definitely Doug column this week and realized it was going to be all about procurement, I winced. Now this is going to be something totally foreign to me. But as only Doug can do, you read his blog and suddenly you have a better understanding of the technology available to the industry, and you are amazed at how much money hotels could be saving. A great and brief read, take a few minutes and be amazed at what is coming, and how AI is going to impact the industry and most importantly save money. We thank Doug once again for enlightening us!

Life is all about moments and last week I had a moment I will never forget. There are some clouds in my future regarding Hospitality Upgrade and last week we had our 22nd CIO Summit in Nashville, Tenn. at the wonderful and amazing Thompson Hotel by Hyatt. We had nearly 100 attendees including technology leaders from all over the world. Yes, there was much fun included, but Geneva spearheaded an amazing program that went on all day Thursday. 

At the conclusion of the last session, I simply wanted to thank everybody for being there and embracing this idea I had 23 years ago, that has grown into a must-attend event for those who lead their companies’ technology initiatives. Instead of a simple acknowledgement from those in attendance, it started as a rousing and loud applause, then everybody stood up and kept applauding, and for a while wouldn’t stop. I eventually told the crowd that I was embarrassed - but in truth I was so moved by their reaction. I hope everybody has a chance to experience one of life’s “moments” no matter how it plays out. I will always remember mine! 

In our upcoming issue of Hospitality Upgrade you will learn much more about what happened in Nashville. A big thank you to Cameron Hammond, Julian Bish and Rohan Jani from Hyatt Hotels for doing an amazing job as hosts of this year’s event, when the bar was set so high last year by Matt Schwartz and Jeff Parker from Sage Hospitality. Any questions about the CIO Summit please send a note to To all our attendees and sponsors, a big thank you from all of us!

Here now is Definitely Doug and I promise that you will look at procurement differently. Also included is the latest technology news. I will see you at the end with this week’s attempt at you know what. Thanks for reading and sharing.

Siegel Sez 09/13/2024

Honestly, when I received Doug Rice’s Definitely Doug column this week and realized it was going to be all about procurement, I winced. Now this is going to be something totally foreign to me. But as only Doug can do, you read his blog and suddenly you have a better understanding of the technology available to the industry, and you are amazed at how much money hotels could be saving. A great and brief read, take a few minutes and be amazed at what is coming, and how AI is going to impact the industry and most importantly save money. We thank Doug once again for enlightening us!

Life is all about moments and last week I had a moment I will never forget. There are some clouds in my future regarding Hospitality Upgrade and last week we had our 22nd CIO Summit in Nashville, Tenn. at the wonderful and amazing Thompson Hotel by Hyatt. We had nearly 100 attendees including technology leaders from all over the world. Yes, there was much fun included, but Geneva spearheaded an amazing program that went on all day Thursday. 

At the conclusion of the last session, I simply wanted to thank everybody for being there and embracing this idea I had 23 years ago, that has grown into a must-attend event for those who lead their companies’ technology initiatives. Instead of a simple acknowledgement from those in attendance, it started as a rousing and loud applause, then everybody stood up and kept applauding, and for a while wouldn’t stop. I eventually told the crowd that I was embarrassed - but in truth I was so moved by their reaction. I hope everybody has a chance to experience one of life’s “moments” no matter how it plays out. I will always remember mine! 

In our upcoming issue of Hospitality Upgrade you will learn much more about what happened in Nashville. A big thank you to Cameron Hammond, Julian Bish and Rohan Jani from Hyatt Hotels for doing an amazing job as hosts of this year’s event, when the bar was set so high last year by Matt Schwartz and Jeff Parker from Sage Hospitality. Any questions about the CIO Summit please send a note to To all our attendees and sponsors, a big thank you from all of us!

Here now is Definitely Doug and I promise that you will look at procurement differently. Also included is the latest technology news. I will see you at the end with this week’s attempt at you know what. Thanks for reading and sharing.

Definitely Doug (09/13/2024): AI and the Last Frontier?

AI and the Last Frontier?
If I were to pick one hotel business process as the least automated in the 21st century to date, it would probably be procurement. While procurement solutions have been around for decades, they have tended to focus on internal processes and controls. The actual selection and ordering of goods and services for the hotels are often still handled by telephone, via traveling sales reps, or by email. Where orders have been digitized, the buyer usually uses the website of a large supplier or General Purchasing Organization (GPO) to place orders. In most cases it is still an unintegrated process, requiring manual entry of orders without easy access to data on budgets, inventory, accounts payable, or payments. Most of these interactions are still paper-based (even if that paper may now be in the form of a digital image) and involve significant manual effort.

Compare this to our personal buying behavior, where we have all become accustomed to, even dependent upon, sites like Amazon that manage the process of locating what we need; comparing prices, features, and packaging; processing payment; and arranging delivery. Not surprisingly, many hotel companies are challenged to keep their colleagues from using Amazon for many hotel supplies, because it is simple, easy to use, and (usually) price competitive.

Yet procurement is one of the most important sources of bottom-line profit. Unlike revenue (which almost always comes with associated costs), each dollar of savings in purchasing falls 100% to the bottom line. With costs of food, supplies, and other essentials rising faster than room rates in recent years, cost control has become even more critical. And labor shortages have led many hotels to use fewer suppliers because of the time involved with manually consulting multiple websites to compare prices, or of managing orders and payments with too many suppliers. But fewer suppliers mean less price comparison and optimization, and higher costs.

Today’s column will explore some new capabilities to optimize procurement, many of them enabled by Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies that have only matured sufficiently in the past couple of years. I cannot say that the new products are fully mature, but some of them are truly impressive and worth a look. Many hotels who were previously using typical industry approaches have found cost savings on the order of 10%, and some outliers who previously had no procurement technology or GPO have reportedly reduced costs by as much as 25%.Each of the leading-edge capabilities I will cover below has been implemented by at least one company I spoke with (with the sole exception of ESG reporting, which several are evaluating). Most were implemented by, or on the near- or intermediate-term roadmap for, several companies. I expect rapid evolution of these capabilities among both newer and established players over the next one to two years. This article will give you some ideas of what you can look for as you evaluate solutions.

With a topic like this, I must first narrow the scope, lest what is intended as a blog risks ballooning into a book. I will focus on systems that address selecting, ordering, and receiving goods and services, and passing off order information to be recorded in an accounting system for payment and reporting. I will exclude bid processes (e.g. request for quotation and similar) and reverse auctions. Also, procurement interacts tightly with other hotel processes, such as menu management and costing, inventory, point-of-sale, budgeting, accounting, and supplier payments. Some procurement software packages include modules for one or several of these, while others integrate with selected third-party solutions. However, this article will touch on these capabilities only tangentially.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for procurement software; much depends on the size and complexity of the hotel or group and what other systems it is using. Smaller operations may opt for simpler, easier to use solutions that provide basic capabilities for inventory management and payment. My objective here is not to tell you what the best solution is, but rather to make you aware of emerging capabilities which, if you have not reviewed this space in the past couple of years, you may not even have imagined.

As always, I am indebted to senior executives at several companies for helping me understand the emerging best practices through in-depth interviews. These included BirchStreet Systems, DiningEdge Technology, Folio, FutureLog, Lilo, and Reeco, and I thank them profusely for their time and wisdom. I also reached out to three other companies that did not respond to requests for interviews.


VENZA Unveils New GDPR Training for Hoteliers

This comprehensive instructional experience explores the fundamentals of the highly influential General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), promoting hospitality compliance under the European Union (EU) law.


Historic Emily Morgan Hotel San Antonio to Implement Innovative In-Room Tablets by HCN

Located just three blocks from the Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center, the historic hotel is preparing to install Navigator 2.0 in-room tablets from Hotel Communication Network (HCN) to give guests mobile access to services and amenities and provide local area and event information.

Hotel Internet Services to Showcase the Future of Guest Connectivity for Independent and Luxury Hoteliers at the 2024 Independent Hotel Show

Attendees visiting Hotel Internet Services’ booth #223 will gain a first-hand look at how their WiFi and in-room entertainment offerings can be seamlessly paired with robust technologies to provide more personalized guest service.

Kimpton De Witt Partners With IRIS To Provide Guests With a Self-Serve, Mobile F&B Ordering Experience

IRIS, a global market leader in digital F&B, guest directory and concierge solutions for hotels and restaurants, has partnered with Hotel Kimpton De Witt (part of the Lore Group and IHG) to bring a new era of digital guest experiences to life with the launch of IRIS’s mobile F&B ordering platform in their co-working space, Café Celia.

Best Western Plus Dubuque Unveils New Cutting-Edge High-Speed Guest WiFi Network by Hotel Internet Services

The full-service hotel property recently partnered with HIS to ensure that seamless internet access is available throughout all onsite areas of the property, including all 150 guestrooms and 8,500 square feet of meeting space.


IDeaS Boosts Revenue and Guest Experience for IDILIQ's Luxury Resorts

The implementation of IDeaS G3 RMS across its Spanish portfolio introduces a sophisticated solution that empowers a more connected, actionable strategy across its organization’s commercial team through a seamless integration with their properties’ Central Reservation System.

IDeaS and Virgin Voyages Announce Partnership to Bring Advanced Revenue Management Solution to Cruise Industry

The world’s leading provider of advanced revenue management software (RMS) and services, announced that it is expanding its industry-leading suite of revenue management solutions to the cruise industry through a partnership with Virgin Voyages. Under the partnership, IDeaS is working with Virgin Voyages to develop a first-of-its-kind, innovative RMS solution for the cruise industry.


WISCO Hotel Group Elevates Operational Efficiency and Maximizes Revenue With STS Cloud, ProposalPath, and Visrez Solutions Across 14 Properties

The prominent Wisconsin-based hospitality company has successfully transitioned to the STS Cloud platform, incorporating advanced e-signature capabilities, ProposalPath proposal tools, and Visrez 3D table diagramming to enhance event sales opportunities, giving them a competitive edge.

The Power of Organic Social Media for Hotels: Why It Still Matters

One of the most significant advantages of organic social media is its ability to foster genuine, authentic connections with your audience. While paid ads can target specific demographics, they’re usually ‘sales-related’ and often lack the personal touch that organic posts offer.


Why Smart Hospitality Companies Are Accelerating CapEx Digital Transformation / Johannes Vocke

Modern software helps address resource and talent shortages that contribute to poor CapEx performance in the first place. For instance, tools like FutureLog automate proposal submissions, approvals, and performance monitoring so users can focus on more value-generating tasks like building strong supplier relationships.

Trump Hotels Deploys ReactorNet – BirchStreet’s Integrated P2P Solution

BirchStreet Systems, a leading provider of procure-to-pay automation solutions developed specifically for the hospitality sector, today announced the rollout of the ReactorNet solution across Trump Hotels’ global portfolio of luxury hotels and resorts, as part of a recently signed three-year agreement.

Your Data, Your Control: Ensuring Your Data Is YOUR Data in Hotel Technology / Mike Pavicich

At, we proudly announce the launch of our “Your Data, Your Control” initiative, which is dedicated to reaffirming clients’ data ownership and control. With STS Cloud, clients are assured that their data remains exclusively theirs—secure, private, and under their control.

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico Leverages Amadeus Technology to Position Itself as a Premier Resort Destination

Aiming to elevate mid-size destinations such as Puerto Vallarta, Amadeus for Destinations offers a turnkey suite of solutions, unique in hospitality, that empower destination marketing organizations (DMOs) to grow and influence their tourism sectors.

Digitalization Drives a Surge in Productivity in the Hospitality Sector

Mews, an industry-leading hospitality cloud, has revealed that staff using its technology saved a collective of almost 5,000 hours (the equivalent of 7 months) in administrative time this summer.


Navigating the Complex World of Conversational AI - Part 4 / John Smallwood

Over the past couple of months, we’ve explored the evolving role of conversational AI in hospitality, particularly focusing on Annette, The Virtual Hotel Agent™ by Travel Outlook. This series has highlighted Annette’s advanced capabilities, which include handling complex guest requests, personalizing interactions, and providing multilingual support.

Cloudbeds To Usher in the Era of ‘Decision Intelligence’ at Upcoming Passport Conference

Cloudbeds Intelligence, a new AI and machine learning layer built into the platform, is designed to supercharge all functionalities of the hospitality management system and break down departmental silos, delivering unmatched decision-making intelligence for revenue managers, marketers, GMs, operations staff, and more.

Maestro All-In-One PMS and Data Plus Collaborate To Provide Seamless End-to-End Integrations for the Famed Francisco Grande Hotel & Golf Resort

The seamless end-to-end integration is giving the property valuable insights into their financial performance, including occupancy rates, revenue streams, and more, and management is making better informed and more timely decisions to optimize operations and maximize profitability.

Lark Hotels Partners With Mews to Grow Its Portfolio of 50+ Properties

Mews is cloud-native, which means it can easily scale with the brand, creating consistent management and reporting across hotels. Meanwhile, Mews University enables faster onboardings thanks to self-serve training modules tailored to specific job roles.


Webinar: Hospitality Business Intelligence Insights That Drive Profits

On September 17, listen to experts from Pinehurst Resort, Otelier, Agilysys, and Hospitality Technology Consulting uncover actionable insights that empower leaders to shift from revenue management to profit management. Register now.

Hospitality Upgrade Announces the Recipient of the John Cahill Student Seat for the 2024 CIO Summit

Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals (HFTP®) and Hospitality Upgrade today announced the recipient of the 2024 John Cahill student seat is Andrew Pham, a student at the College of Hospitality, University of Nevada in Las Vegas (UNLV).

HFTP Announces 2024 CHAE of the Year Award Recipient: Samantha Sheffield

The CHAE of the Year award honors the individual that scored the highest on the CHAE certification exam within a given year. She will be recognized at the HFTP 2024 Annual Convention, taking place this October 23-25 at the Mohegan Sun Resort and Casino in Uncasville, Connecticut.

HSMAI Charters Two New Chapters: Greater Denver and Tennessee Valley

These new chapters highlight HSMAI’s strategic priority to broaden the association’s reach, focus on developing new markets, and enhance member value proposition through localized engagement.

HSMAI and Curacity Release White Paper on Commercial Strategy for Upper Funnel Marketing

The white paper, titled, “From Last-Click to First Look: A Commercial Strategy Makeover Story for Upper Funnel Marketing,” marks a pivotal shift in the industry’s approach to brand awareness, offering a roadmap for long-term growth and profitability.

BDNY 2024 Set to Redefine Hospitality Design With Unmatched Innovation and Networking Opportunities

Boutique Design New York, the leading trade fair and conference for the hospitality’s boutique and lifestyle design community, returns to the Jacob K. Javits Center on November 10-11, 2024. This year’s two-day event promises to set new standards in the industry with cutting-edge products, groundbreaking design discussions, and an array of networking events that bring together the world’s most influential design minds.

HSMAI Announces 2024 Sales Leader Forum

Organized by HSMAI’s Sales Advisory Board, this year’s event focuses on advancing the hotel sales discipline by providing off-property sales leaders with essential knowledge on top trends, strategic insights, and best practices in today’s evolving landscape.

BLLA Announces Winners of the 2024 Boutique Hospitality Awards

Now in its fourteenth year, the BLLA Awards continue to honor the most daring and innovative achievements in the global boutique hospitality industry, recognizing the world’s finest hotels, visionaries, and partners.

The Hospitality Show Announces Additional Program Highlights

The Hospitality Show (The Show), an industry leading technology and operations event produced by Questex and the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA), has revealed new highlights that have been confirmed for the 2024 program.

Sheila Johnson to Receive Peggy Berg Castell Award at The Lodging Conference 2024

AHLA Foundation announced that trailblazing entrepreneur and hotelier Sheila Johnson will receive the Peggy Berg Castell Award at The Lodging Conference 2024 in Phoenix, Arizona in October. The award recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to elevating and advancing women in the hospitality industry.


U.S. Open Serves Up Growth for New York Events Industry Increasing Year-Over-Year Volume by 30.2 percent in August, Knowland Reports

Knowland, the world’s leading provider of data-as-a-service insights on meetings and events for hospitality, reported that New York ranked second among the top 25 markets, with over 30 percent year-over-year (YoY) meeting volume growth driven primarily by sports tourism for August.

And now for you-know-what...

Discover Return On Experience

Three ecosystems — Hospitality & Leisure, Food & Beverage, and Inventory & Procurement — operate independently and together depending on your needs.


Let's Get Digital

7 Questions to Ask Before You Invest in a Hotel Mobile App



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