Top 25 Worst Passwords of 2013, from Splashdata
- 123456 (up 1 and taking the top spot from “password” for the first time
- password (down 1)
- 12345678 (unchanged)
- qwerty (up 1)
- abc123 (down 1)
- 123456789 (new)
- 111111 (up 2)
- 1234567 (up 5)
- iloveyou (up 2)
- adobe123 (new)
- 123123 (up 5)
- Admin (new…you know who you are…)
- 1234567890 (new)
- letmein (down 7)
- photoshop (new)
- 1234 (new)
- monkey (down 11)
- shadow (unchanged)
- sunshine (unchanged)
- 12345 (new)
- password1 (up 4)
- princess (new)
- azerty (new)
- trustno1(down 12)
- 000000 (new)