Rich Siegel
Oct 1, 2024

Publishers Letter

I should warn you that this is a tough publisher’s letter for me to write. Maybe it's because I am now a Publisher Emeritus.

Publishers Letter

Rich Siegel
Oct 1, 2024
Publisher letter

I should warn you that this is a tough publisher’s letter for me to write. Maybe it's because I am now a Publisher Emeritus.

I have been writing Publisher’s Letters for 32 years and I know many of you around the world enjoy harassing me about what I write. There will be no harassment this time. I will encourage you to read Frank Wolfe’s letter on page 6 where he will share information about the acquisition of Hospitality Upgrade, Hotel Online, the Executive Vendor Summit and of course our amazing CIO Summit, along with their future plans. We launched the magazine publishing three times a year, and that worked for us and the industry. Today we also have many digital offerings that reach a worldwide audience between printed issues, including the Siegel Sez technology review that includes consultant Doug Rice’s Definitely Doug column which receives tons of great feedback.

Yes, what an amazing 32-year ride it has been. I will be around and participating until mid-year next year, so I guess you can plan on at least one more Publisher’s Letter from me. In this letter I normally highlight many of the great articles we have in the issue, but I am going to leave that for the Contributors pages on page 12. The content really is amazing. I love the hotel industry, my whole career has been quite a ride, from working in hotels, then working with hotel software companies, to publishing a magazine and hosting industry events. Along with loving the industry, one must love the people in it.

Being that I am on the homestretch of my professional life, I can’t help but reflect a bit. I could write a book on my experiences, but I won’t. I will tell you when I was working out of my rundown apartment in Atlanta starting out, I quickly learned that who you know is just as important as what you know. I have met so many people who encouraged me and kept me going during the very rough times.

As you can see on the cover of this issue along with the picture next to this letter, Bob Gilbert who we recently lost was one of those who helped and encouraged me. Who would have known we would become such great friends. Business is business but our laughter together is what I will always remember about Bob. After the terrible medical diagnosis Bob received last July, I am so thankful that Frank Wolfe and I headed out to Colorado to visit Bob and his wife Kim. It was an experience that I will never forget. The industry was lucky to have him running HSMAI for 30 years, Bob helped the industry grow. He will be missed, but always remembered.

Selling a business is an amazing experience, especially one that you have had for more than half your adult life. A big thank you to John Rovani and Pontera Business Advisors for their help, along with the slew of accountants and a lawyer or two. A bigger thank you to HFTP for not wanting to kill me along the way, though I think they came close a few times. What an amazing ride that was, but the one thing no one prepares you for is what happens afterwards. I know eventually I will be happy, but
for 32 years I woke up everyday with a purpose and now that is slowly going away. What a strange feeling. Hopefully the transition to post business owner will soon happen.

Thank you once again for being part of what we do, it never would have happened without such great support from the industry, we thank you for that. See you one more time…. hopefully!

Publisher Emeritus


Senior Vice President, Managing Editor

Associate Publisher

Feature Editor

Design & Editorial

Special Section Design

Special Thanks:
Fran Worrall, Sara Wood, Melissa McCawley
and Shannon Wilder

Fran Worrall, Lynn Goodendorf, John Bell, Larry Birnbaum, Mark Hoare, Mark Haley, Ron Strecker, Laura Lee Blake, Jeffrey Parker, Larry and Adam Mogelonsky, Bob Gilbert, Kelly McGuire, Lee Knauer, Michael Goldrich, and Caryl Helsel

Cover Design: Melissa McCawley

CIO Summit photos: Event Coverage Nashville

HOSPITALITY UPGRADE is printed three times a year for and about the hospitality and foodservice industries. There is no charge for qualified subscribers within the United States and Canada. All international subscribers will be billed $30/year for postage and handling. Postage paid in Virginia. All contents submitted to this publication are believed to be accurate. SCI or its agents assume no liability for any said information that is misrepresented. Product and company names
mentioned herein may be trademarked and/or service marked of their respective owners. Reproduction and/or distribution of any part of this publication without the written consent of SCI is strictly forbidden. © 2024 Siegel Communications, Inc

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